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Augmenting Organisms

Workshop by Arvid&Marie

How does science fiction open new concepts for technological progress?

In this workshop, speculative design methods are used to explore the future implications of today’s technology, in particular machine autonomy. Arvid&Marie, two artists and designers residents at CAC lab, will take you through the creative method of birthing future machines.

The participants discuss practical and philosophical  concepts in the field of artificial living and produce new concepts for an autonomous machine. These machines will join the already growing archive: Bestiary of Autonomous Machine archive. The Bestiary of Autonomous Machines is a crowd-sourced research into a future in which people and autonomous machines live together, documenting together the human understanding, fears and dreams on machine autonomy.

The Bestiary of Autonomous Machines workshop by Arvid&Marie was supported by MU Artspace Eindhoven, the Creative Industries Fund NL, and by CAC_Lab.

About the artist

Arvid&Marie is a duo of artists, experience designers and technological adventurers always aiming to discover new ways to stretch our world. Together Arvid Jense (NL, MSc at TU/e) and Marie Caye (FR, BA Design Academy Eindhoven) collaborate on their shared passion for art and technology. Through the use of interactive objects and performative storytelling, Arvid&Marie use their collaborative effort to explore post-human theories, focusing their creative attention on practical cybernetics and autonomous machines. They believe that researching how humans express themselves, philosophically and technologically, can lead to long-lasting, positive change.
