I’m not crazy about reality, but it’s still the only place to get a decent meal.
Groucho Marx
The Aerobanquets are immersive, sensorial experiences focussed on the perception of taste. Loosely based on the Futurist Cookbook the (in)famous Italian book of surreal dinners and recipes first published in 1932, the project is a collaboration with Flavio Ghignoni Carestia, chef at the Toscanini Cafe in Amsterdam. Aligned with the Futurist notion of a «total work of art», Aerobanquets RMX is a veritable multisensorial journeys that leverages virtual and augmented reality ( VR/AR ) technologies.
Part manifesto, part artistic joke, the Futurist Cookbook is a collection of recipes, experiments, declamations and allegorical tales: here are recipes for ice cream on the moon; candied atmospheric electricities; nocturnal love feasts; sculpted meats. The Futurist Cookbook is a provocative, visionary work on the future of nourishment, which well ahead of time touched on issues of post-capitalistic societies and labor that are so relevant to our times.
About the artist